Contribution Date
editorial design

FIRE!! Magazine2

Nature Magazine December October 1935 Edition18

Nature Magazine December June-July 1944 Edition15

Nature Magazine February 1947 Edition12

Nature Magazine December 1949 Edition13

Canal Record Vol. 39 No. 2 (June 2005)

Harper's Weekly Newspaper n°4913
The Rambler (Vol No. 1, 1977)
The Rambler (Vol. 38, No. 1, 1968)
The Rambler (Vol. 26, No. 9, 1956)
The Rambler (Vol. 21, No. 5, 1950)
The Farmingdale Camel (Vol. 1, No 1, 1978)

Seagram Editorial Ad

Timken Axels Editorial Ads2

Masumura Retrospective - Catalogue12

“be noisy.” Laforet 2011

Sinister Wisdom Digital Archives 3

Parco Poster

Memories of a Bauhaus Student

Family Circle Magazine Spread

The Japan Times

Vogue Cover 2012

Hornets Tipoff Magazine Volume 3 Issue 8, June 1991
Spoon Magazine Vol. 6 “Let’s learn Karate and English with Parappa.”

The Osaka Braille Mainichi: Japan's newspaper for the blind
The Illustrated Police News

South Asian Newspaper

Sparshdnyan: India’s braille newspaper brings news to thousands

Rags magazine pages4

Il Libro delle 13 Novelle6

Japanese Horticulture 18th Edition, No 167 日本園芸雑誌 第18年皐月之巻 第 167号

Punk Artist 10
CLT Graphic Design History: A Collective Research Effort, Volume 3

El Alacran Chicano Newspaper

La Lomita Chicano

La Gente UCLA Chicano Newspaper

El Macriado Chicano Newspaper

¡Basta Ya! Chicano Newspaper

El Popo Chicano Newspaper

Inside the Beast Chicano Newspaper

¡Es Tiempo! Chicano Newspaper

Bazaar, Ms. and Rolling Stone magazines designed by Bea Feitler (and Ruth Ansel)8

“Parsons Bread Book” 2

Editorial spread, Seventeen, April 1950 issue, pp. 104-105

Charm Magazine

“The New Woman’s Survival Catalog”15

Leading Through Design, National Endowment for the Arts campaign6

“Homeland of Happy Feet” article2

Interview with Frank Lucas

The Papers of James Graham Ballard: Four Text Collages (Project for a New Novel)4
