The Power of Positive Praying
- John Bisagno Author
- Book 712
- Book Cover 227
- paper 1376
- printing 449
“The Power of Positive Praying” was a book written in 1965 by John R. Bisagno. It teaches how to pray and the difference that prayer can make. The cover features white sans serif type similar to Helvetica. This tectonic element is accompanied by a more expressive element that includes overlapping star shapes of different colors, creating a circle that the text lays on top of. There is some negative space below and then at the bottom of the cover is the author's name in the same font as the title in a medium blue color. The overlapping star shapes create dynamism to the composition to grab the eye. The alignment of the text is not uniform which also adds to the dynamism, even though it is a central composition. This piece of media is representative of the ideal teen of the 1960, one who is religious.