Barry Goldwater vs. Lyndon Johnson - Opposing Side Political Campaign Buttons 


In 1964, Rep. Barry Goldwater used the slogan "In Your Heart, You Know He's Right" for his campaign materials. Goldwater was receiving criticism from the media and opposition candidates saying he had extremist views. This slogan was used to combat this negative publicity and attempt to make the point that his views were not that different from most ordinary Americans.

In response, Lyndon Johnson (who was running against Goldwater) used the slogan “In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts” for his campaign. He believed that if Goldwater was elected, his extremist views would lead to harm to Americans (such as Goldwater's willingness to use nuclear warfare). This is a great example of using a cultural reference to work to your advantage.  

It is interesting to note that Barry Goldwater was a member of the Republican Party but used the color blue in his button, even though this color is typically associated with the Democratic Party. In response, Johnson, a member of the Democratic Party, uses the color red for his button. 

From Politics and Design Archive
Source: politicsndesign
From Politics and Design Archive
Barry Goldwater vs. Lyndon Johnson - Opposing Side Political Campaign Buttons  2
Barry Goldwater vs. Lyndon Johnson - Opposing Side Political Campaign Buttons  3

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