Exaggerated Hyperbole Will Sink Important Legislation
- Poster 1707
Type of Work
- Finished work 5482
Locations Made
This poster is one of the first in a decade-long project to visually document the sorry state of contemporary American political discourse. The amount of rhetoric and misinformation propagated by many in Congress threatens to derail important legislation. When voting party politics instead of what's good for one's constituents is prevalent, the system is failing and the people lose. This is a remix of "Closed For the Duration. Loose Talk Can Cost Lives," 1942, Howard Scott, British and American Ambulance Corps, Printed at the bottom of the original poster: DISTRIBUTED IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, AND AS A MEANS OF OBTAINING FUNDS FOR AMBULANCES WHEREVER NEEDED, BRITISH AND AMERICAN AMBULANCE CORPS, INC., 420 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY' 'ART' 'LITHO IN U.S.A.'