The Back-Up Plan Title Sequence


This title sequence is from the 2010 film, The Back-Up Plan. Starring Jennifer Lopez, it is an American film produced by CBS Films and released by Sony Pictures. The film follows J-Lo who is a woman preparing to be a single mom after a planned pregnancy but meets a man who wants to be a part of her child's life. The movie actually received negative reviews, but the title sequence received great reviews in the eyes of designers.

The title sequence was designed by Shine Studio, a creative design and production studio based in Hollywood. Shine is responsible for many title sequences for the movies Step Up,  Birds of Prey, and The Harder They Fall alongside The Back-Up Plan.  The sequence is in an animated style that follows a woman through the city as she sees things that remind her of her unborn child. It is reminiscent of the 1960s and 70s illustration style. It is full of glee and style and sets the scene perfectly for the mood of the movie.