The Black Panther Newspaper

"'Initially, wherever we were set up, [usually someone’s home], that would be our production area. We used regular tables, regular lights, Elmer’s glue, rubber cement. We cut and pasted. We made up our own layout sheets. Non-repro blue markers. A lot of it was done on [an IBM Selectric] typewriter. We knew some folks in the publishing business, so every now and then we could get them to typeset the galleys. But we used pre-fabricated instant type that came on sheets from Formatt [a Letraset alternative]. It was economical, but it was also the best one because it had a line underneath the alphabet so you could set words without having to rub the letters off.' An early issue reveals the edges and guidelines of cut-and-paste transfer lettering. Douglas typically kept font styles to a minimum, but this cover explodes with Futura, Alternate Gothic, Ultra Bodoni, Clarendon, and Compacta."—