Bjork - Hunter Music Video
- Motion Graphics 141
Type of Work
- Finished work 5532
- digital 180
Locations Made
- United Kingdom 146
Paul White directed this music video, and additionally rendered the 3D effects that are seen on the artist Bjork. White and Bjork came up with the concept of animalism for the album, which is expressed in through White's design firm MeCompany's Y2K-esque 3D renderings of nature. "Digital Nature" was MeCompany's patent aesthetic, and can be seen in White's work for Hermes to Nissan.
“For the Hunter video we wanted something different - something fun. Because by the time Homogenic came around, she'd already been everywhere and done everything, artistically speaking. She'd gone so far over the top that we felt a minimalistic approach would be more challenging for both of us. And for me, the post-production was much more of a challenge because it took several months, whereas she wrapped up after a single day of shooting.”
- Paul White
directed by paul white.
written by björk.
published by universal music publishing ltd.
® 1997 björk overseas ltd/one little indian records ltd.