Liverpool University GaySoc Flyer


In 1971 a group of students who were members of the Liverpool Campaign for Homosexual Equality (C.H.E) group floated the idea of setting up a student society. 

They had their first stall at the 1971 Fresher’s Fair, and on the 15th May 1972 the Guild Council formally approved the establishment of the ‘Homophile Society’, what is now called the LGBT Society.

In the 1980s the Liverpool University GaySoc often held discussion groups regarding prominent LGBT issues, which are as significant to LGBT+ people today as they were back then.


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Liverpool university GaySoc
Students' Union, 2, Bedford Street North, Liverpool, L7 7BD

Discusion Group
“Coming Out- How Necessary?”
Wed 2nd Dec. Abercomby Room 8.30 pm 
[1st Floor. New Union Bdg]