“Free Huey Rally, Bobby Hutton Memorial Park . . . Huey Must Be Set Free!“
- Poster 1854
Type of Work
- Finished work 5503
22 × 17 in
Locations Made
- Oakland 9
"This rally was held the day that Newton testified in his murder trial. It was held at Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, officially known as DeFremery Park, in Oakland. Stokely Carmichael appeared, the week after officially parting ways with SNCC, as did David Hilliard, Kathleen Cleaver, and Bobby Seale. One other example of this rally poster traced in OCLC, at Yale University."—https://catalogue.swanngalleries.com/Lots/auction-lot/-BLACK-PANTHERS--Free-Huey-Rally-Bobby-Hutton-Memorial-Park-?saleno=2562&lotNo=92&refNo=773175