"George Maciunas created Flux boxes in the 1960s with the purpose to ‘promote a revolutionary flood and tide in art, promote living art, anti-art" with works from artists from the US, Europe, and Japan.  They are 9 by 9-inch wooden boxes, packed full of mixed media works, such as film loops, audio recordings, games, puzzles, and documentation, that reflect the variety of artists Flux boxes entice the audience to play around and to think about the line between material and concept by being manipulated. 2 They portray characteristics of rebellion against commercial art by encouraging unconventional experimental practices. 3

Flux Year Box 2 was the last edition of flux boxes and was thematic of “limited to book events only", meaning events that are enacted by action. 4 Maciunas' contribution to the box was the first edition of flux films, short film loops with a hand-crank viewer to watch them. Other works in the box included Shigeko Kubota’s Flux Medicine, and Sowing A Flux Corsage Seeds by Ken Friedman.

1.  Artists include: George Brecht, Willem de Ridder, Albert M. Fine, Ken Friedman, Shigeko Kubota, Frederic Lieberman, George Maciunas, Claes Oldenburg, Benjamin Patterson, James Riddle, Paul Sharits, Bob Sheff, Ben Vautier, & Robert Watts "Fluxus." Tate, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/f/fluxus#:~:text=Founded%20in%201960%20by%20the,attitude%20rather%20than%20a%20movement.

2. "Thing/Thought: Fluxus Editions/1962–1978." Museum of Modern Art, 21 Sept 2011–16, Jan. 2012, https://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2011/fluxus_editions/index.html

3. Karen Kedmey. "What Is Fluxus?" Artsy, 14 Jan. 2017, https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-ed-itorial-fluxus-movement-art-museums-galleries

4. ibid

Flux Year Box 2 1
Source: www.moma.org
Flux Year Box 2 2
Source: www.moma.org
Flux Year Box 2 3
Source: www.moma.org
Flux Year Box 2 4
Source: www.moma.org
Flux Year Box 2 5
Source: www.moma.org
Flux Year Box 2 6
Source: www.moma.org