Universal Classics Library Frontispiece and Illustrations


1901's Universal Classics Library features an elaborate frontispiece and colored illustrations. 

The frontispiece demonstrates the complexity of two color printing.  The different sections within the book are marked by these elaborate designs. Complex orange borders house ornate designs and text printed in black ink.

A photogravure printing process is used to create the two illustrations in the book - one in color and the other in grayscale. Each photogravure is based on a painting, by Benjamin Constant and Jean-Léon Gérôme respectively. 

These illustrations and frontispieces are protected by thin sheets of transparent paper bound in the book.  This paper serves as a protective cover, preventing degradation and ink from sticking to adjacent pages. The title of each image is delicately printed on this protective layer.

Source: Illinois, USA
Photogravure Illustration
Source: Illinois, USA
Photogravure Illustration
Illustration Protective Cover
Source: Illinois, USA
Illustration Protective Cover
Section Introduction Page
Source: Illinois, USA
Section Introduction Page
Illustrations Index
Source: Illinois, USA
Illustrations Index
Photogravure Illustration
Source: Illinois, USA
Photogravure Illustration