I'll Take My Stand


1960's reprint of the literary manifesto I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition, an important and controversial collection of essays that emerged from and shaped the “Southern Renaissance” literary movement of the 20s and 30s.

This edition is from the first generation of Harper Torchbooks, serial number TB 1072M, with a cover designed by Ed Fox. 

From The Cover Artists of the Harper Torchbooks Series: A Preliminary List byJohn A. Mellman:

"In comparison to other ‘quality paperback’ series and imprints, the covers in the ‘first generation’ of Harper Torchbooks (TB 1-TB 1550; TB 2001-TB 3505) featured:

  • a polychromatic graphic design that integrated some combination of images and graphic title and subtitle on the front cover, and
  •  a back cover where the dominant color found on the front cover and spine often wraps around and continues but where there is more text (mostly content summary and reviews) and images than on the front cover."