National Canning Museum digital archive (Portugal)


A digital museum of Portuguese tinned fish labels and a wealth of other material. A bit hard to navigate, but the treasures of fish tin design are worth it. 

From Hyperallergic (

The museum is organized into different sections or galleries, one of which is dedicated to the artists of fish tin art history. In the case of tin labels, Vicente says, it’s nearly impossible to determine a design’s author — drawings were usually made at lithography studios and the designers remained anonymous. But the artists behind fish tin advertisements are much easier to identify. Some of them were quite famous, such as Raul de Caldevilla, who is considered a pioneer of professional advertising in Portugal. Others, like the Swiss designer Fred Kradolfer, created brightly illustrated book covers as part of the Instituto Português de Conservas de Peixe, founded in 1936 to promote the canning industry.