More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!


This Camels Cigarettes poster shows a mother and daughter in a doctors office and iccludes the claim, "More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!" Included around the image are testimonials about how individuals may live to be 100 years old due to advancements in medical technology. Below the image is a cited research study that backs up the claim, "More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!".

Importantly, none of these quotes or anecdotes actually claim that smoking is a health habbit or that a long life is related to wether or not you smoke. The ad cleverly abuses the association of these quotes with the imagery and branding of Camels cigarettes to build a sense of trust and authenticity. In addition, the fact that doctors who smoke smoke Camels does not mean that they are  a healthier alternative or that Doctors are making an informed decision. The design of post war-American mass advertising knowingly uses tricks like clever copywriting and aesthetic association to manipulate public sentiment the need to lie outright.

CAMEL CIGARETTE AD, 1946. More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette! Advertisement for Camel cigarettes from an American magazine, 1946
CAMEL CIGARETTE AD, 1946. More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette! Advertisement for Camel cigarettes from an American magazine, 1946