The Leprechauns Christmas Gold (1981)


This film is about a young sailor who is tasked with getting a Christmas tree for the ship. He finds one on an island near by. When he pulls the tree up a banshee is released that is desperate to hunt for the Leprechauns Christmas gold.  If she is unsuccessful by Christmas morning she will disappear forever. The sailor helps the leprechauns protect the gold from the Banshee, after many shenanigan's the sun rises and the Banshee melts away defeated. The leprechauns join the sailor back to Ireland.


This film is the second to last  Rankin/Bass Christmas specials and it is the last to have a celebrity voice the narrator. The follows the running theme throughout the Rankin/Bass Christmas specials that has an elderly narrator who is deeply invested one way or another to the story they are telling the audience. The narrator is shown to be apart of the story by being the leprechaun  that protects the Christmas Gold. 


Throughout the years of the Rankin/Bass Christmas specials, the ideals and core of Christmas was always present in the films no matter what the overall story was. However, it is clear to see that the studio was running out of that same Christmas vigor that was present in their previous TV Specials.

Blarney and the Leprechauns
Blarney and the Leprechauns

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