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The book of MUJI 無印の本5

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Sunny (日出処)”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Adult (大人)”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Color bars”

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Crime and punishment (罪と罰)”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “3min.(能動的三分間)”

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Honeymoon Excerpt(蜜月抄)”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Sports (スポーツ)”

World Federation of Trade Unions Asia-Australasia Trade Union Conference Commemorative Stamp(世界工联亚洲澳洲工会会议纪念邮票)

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Reimport Ports and Harbors Bureau(逆輸入 〜港湾局〜)”

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Talk of the Town (浮き名)”

Thirty Years of Literature and Art (文艺卅年)

Peace Paix (和平)

Hoshino Gen 星野源 “YELLOW DANCER”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Variety (娯楽(バラエティ)) ”

White Rabbit Candy (大白兔奶糖)