How do I document work quickly and easily?
You CAN use a phone camera! Here are some tips and best practices.

1. Capture context and many views
Capturing context means documenting information about the entire object, not just the details you find most interesting. This is important for preserving histories as well as for your own reference. If your only record of an artifact is a cropped image or zoomed-in detail from a research session, it may be difficult to identify later.
Tips to do this well:
- Always check the back of flat objects
- Designs could be double-sided
- Credits or inscriptions on the reverse side can be important to an object's history
Snapping mobile phone photos is quick and easy—it’s also easy to get many details.
Suggestions for what to photograph:
- Details that you love
- Overall layout of a book page
- Photograph the object in your hand to show scale
- Include page numbers of books
- Cover of a book
- Copyright or title page of a publication
- Spine of a book
- Multiple, related items in one photograph

2. If you can, light it well
- The best lighting for photos is overcast outdoor lighting. If you can, pop outside and take advantage of this!
- Indoors: even, neutral colored light is best, but don’t worry if you don’t have time or resources to set up lighting equipment or lamps. Simply seeking out the spot in your space with the brightest, most even light will do.
- If in doubt, google tutorials on lighting art documentation photos!

3. Organize your collections
When dealing with a lot of archival material and as a result, numerous images, organizing your images can be essential to keeping track of individual photos and groups of photos. Using photo organization software like iPhoto’s albums makes it easier to sort and find images.
- It’s also possible to add captions or other info for later reference.
- Searching online tutorials for your specific phone or software can help you navigate these features.
Adapted from Kate Long’s presentation at AIGA DEC SHIFT{ed} conference in August 2021. (Presentation by Kate found at 50:20 in the video)