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Black Panther Newspaper (Vol. III, No. 2)

Black Panther Newspaper (Vol. III, No. 2) 2

Emory Douglas41The Black Panther 8
Untitled, (Hey, Mister, what you doing to the poor man, Lord knows you oughta quit it.)

Untitled, (Hey, Mister, what you doing to the poor man, Lord knows you oughta quit it.)

Emory Douglas41The Black Panther 8
“Enrollment in the Negro common schools of the former slave states of the United States.“

“Enrollment in the Negro common schools of the former slave states of the United States.“

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America

A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
Number of Negro students taking the various courses of study offered in Georgia schools

Number of Negro students taking the various courses of study offered in Georgia schools

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
Proportion of Total Negro Children of School Age Who are Enrolled in the Public Schools

Proportion of Total Negro Children of School Age Who are Enrolled in the Public Schools

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7Atlanta University1
Negro teachers in Georgia public schools

Negro teachers in Georgia public schools2

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
We are going to keep on struggling for brighter days

We are going to keep on struggling for brighter days

Emory Douglas41The Black Panther 8
Illustration for “The Black Panther”

Illustration for “The Black Panther”

Emory Douglas41The Black Panther 8
America Free Angela

America Free Angela

Fine Art64
Faith Ringgold16
 “The Fluids of Spring”

“The Fluids of Spring”

Barbara Nessim15
Time Magazine Cover

Time Magazine Cover

Barbara Nessim15Times Magazine1
Booklet for “Uni-Card”

Booklet for “Uni-Card”

Barbara Nessim15
Print Magazine Cover

Print Magazine Cover

Barbara Nessim15Print Magazine 4
Clothes Magazine Cover

Clothes Magazine Cover

Barbara Nessim15Clothes Magazine 1
Afro-American solidarity with the oppressed People of the world

Afro-American solidarity with the oppressed People of the world

Emory Douglas41
Wrapping Paper

Wrapping Paper

Koloman Moser1Wiener Werkstatte1
Horoscopes for Essence magazine

Horoscopes for Essence magazine2

Barbara Nessim15Essence magazine1
“Map of Canada”

“Map of Canada”

Alootook Ipellie1
“Guardian of Energy” Costume design for the film Aelita

“Guardian of Energy” Costume design for the film Aelita

Alexandra Exter3
“Alvin Lustig” illustration

“Alvin Lustig” illustration

“Geochronmechane: The Time Machine from the Earth”

“Geochronmechane: The Time Machine from the Earth”

Paul Laffoley2


Spencer T. Banks4
“Aviation Today”

“Aviation Today”

Grace Clements6Western Airlines, Long Beach Airport3
Souvenir Program for the 17th Annual Pine St Y Circus

Souvenir Program for the 17th Annual Pine St Y Circus

Spencer T. Banks4
“Aviation Tomorrow”

“Aviation Tomorrow”

Grace Clements6Western Airlines, Long Beach Airport3
“Aviation Yesterday”

“Aviation Yesterday”

Grace Clements6Western Airlines, Long Beach Airport3

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