A Primer of Evolution


This book was written by Edward Clodd and published by Longmans, Green, and Co. in 1895. 

This book looks to educate its reader on many topics of natural sciences from the formation of the world to evolution. Many diagrams are used including strata columns and charts regarding geological time periods. These are very similar to modern diagrams but less expansive due to more recent scientific discovery. Another gem of this printing is a early diagram comparing the skeleton of humans and their evolutionary ancestors. 

A Primer of Evolution 1
Source: Illinois, USA
A Primer of Evolution 2
A Primer of Evolution 3
A Primer of Evolution 4
A Primer of Evolution 5
A Primer of Evolution 6
A Primer of Evolution 7
A Primer of Evolution 8
A Primer of Evolution 9
A Primer of Evolution 10

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