Champion's Beautiful Faces and Color Collection
- Paula Scher 7 Designer
- Packaging 309
- Type Specimen 13
This portfolio is a showcase of Champion's collection of typefaces and paper. The light orange folder contains 61 loose leaf pages. This upload showcases a sampling of the 38 typefaces and 19 designs combining 2 different typefaces. Packaging and design collateral were created by Paula Scher.
An overall motif of personifying typefaces as various archetypal characters is employed by Scher. These characters appear above each type specimen, within the interior pattern on the folder and on the front and back cover of the packaging. When multiple typefaces are used in conjunction, the two characters representing them are drawn together.
Each type specimen is printed on different paper types with a wide variety of weights. An assortment of colors are employed as well to display Champion's variety and quality of paper.
In the “Combinations” section, Scher designs compositions using two different of the afore showcased typefaces. These compositions are based around phrases, songs, and books. While all of the design's styles are rooted in the Art Deco and Art Nouveau stylings of their typefaces, they take on new personalities dictated by their pairings.
Located at the end of the folder is a sheet of paper twice the size as the rest folded in half. Within it is a list of all of the papers and typefaces showcased as a reference for any interested potential clients. It is also here where Paula Scher is credited.