Time Magazine: May 19, 1980, Vol. 115, No. 20
This issue of Time Magazine represents an epic moment in pop culture, and printing culture. A continuation of the Star Wars saga, “The Empire Strikes Back - Episode V” was featured on the cover of the May feature. This movie series is iconic today, but was just as iconic when it was released. Featuring an illustrative picture of villain Darth Vader, Time was showing it's ability to print in vibrant captivating color. Within it's pages, the reader will find clever experimentation with photography and type. Articles are featured in grid-like form, where articles spread across the page. The tilting of Although the publishers were not afraid to fill each page with content, they often utilized moments of negative space for impact. Whether that's utilized to inform the reader of a new article, or for visual interest, the graphic designers certainly found ways to keep a consistent and entertaining magazine.