Matchbox Originals No. 26


This item is a Matchbox Originals No. 26 packaging of a cement truck. This item is denoted as a collectors' item And includes a small cement truck enclosed in the plastic casing. The primary color utilized is yellow with limited use of contrasting red and black elements and typography.  The use of the arc shape and the type hierarchy is inviting to the viewer, and this item was likely intended for children primarily. Seeing as this was made back in the 90's, its primary audience now is adults who desire to have a piece of history or a piece of a dated collection. This item should be considered in graphic design history because it was likely a popular item back in its prime, and it is beloved by children and adults alike. It is an everyday item and it's audience gets the opportunity to interact with it as opposed to just looking at it.

Matchbox Originals No. 26 1
Matchbox Originals No. 26 2
Matchbox Originals No. 26
Matchbox Originals No. 26

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