Janis Joplin: Texas International Pop Festival 1969
- Album Art 415
Type of Work
- Finished work 5482
- paper 1354
- staple bound 76
- 1-color printing 75
- printing 438
- sketching 7
Printed Pages
Locations Made
- United States 756
This artwork was originally displayed on a vinyl sleeve and sticker on the record. The graphics present on the front of the booklet encapsulates the psychedelic era that was very prevalent in the mid-sixties through the mid-seventies. The stylized font also adds to this effect. There is original hand-drawn artwork, advertisements, black and white photos, and more stylized typography on the inside of the booklet. There are vibrant colors on the front and back of the booklet that contrasts with the all-black and white type and imagery in the booklet content. The design is from the original record that was produced in 1970, but there is little known about the cd publication. The overall visual style shows the exploration of American counterculture.