Bounty Sword: Double Edge Game Manual
circa 1998
- Michio Takano Cover Designer
- Muneharu Okusa Cover Designer
- Masaki Yamazaki Cover Designer
- Izumi Ota Producer
- Video Game 71
Type of Work
- Finished work 5532
Locations Made
- Japan 330
Bounty Sword: Double Edge was released for the PlayStation in 1998 by Pioneer LDC. The game is a sequel to Bounty Sword First (1997), which is a remake of Bounty Sword (1995).
The game has two paths to play, based on the character chosen as the protagonist at the beginning. The cover plays on this by splitting the cover down the middle, with each protagonist on either side. The title text also is half black/white, and the subtitle text is half English/Japanese, also split down the middle.

Cover of Bounty Sword: Double Edge game manual