Contack game


Vintage Parker Brothers game of Contack from 1939. The packaging displays bold, 3D, sans serif type as well as only primary colors. The style of the design and composition is similar to the German Plakatstil. It uses only a few elements and colors, and they are placed flatly on the box. The word ‘Contack’ is shown on four sides of the box, making it identifiable from every angle.

The game was first introduced by the Volume Sprayer Mfg. Co. of Tulsa Oklahoma in early 1939, then published by a number of companies including Parker Brothers later that year. The object of this game is to be the first player to use all of their triangles to receive the highest score. This is achieved by matching color and number. The game consists of 36 triangles, a score pad, 87 red, white and blue chips, and complete instructions.

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