Butterick Sewing Pattern


Butterick Patterns is a New York City based company founded in 1863 and is the oldest pattern company in the world. The brand’s founder, Ebenezer Butterick, was the first person to create a graded sewing pattern in response to a comment his wife made while sewing clothing for their son. This specific pattern was sold in the 1970s and displays bold serif typography and illustration to advertise the styles within. The model is drawn five times in Barbie-like proportions wearing various garments. The fashion advertised includes bell bottoms, pleated skirts, and gold belts. The back of the envelope lists contents, measurements and the measure for seam allowance.

Size: 8.00” x 5.25”

Butterick Sewing Pattern
Source: Personal
Butterick Sewing Pattern
Butterick Sewing Pattern 2
Source: Personal
Butterick Sewing Pattern 3
Source: Personal

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