Lightworks Magazine, Number 7


This issue was an exploration of graphic arts imaging processes. It included xerography by Di Piepol, a blueprint from Jim Shaw, Carol Rosen /Michael Cucello silkscreen on fabric, Gestetner reproduction from A.L.M. Andrade, postal type stamps from E. F. Higgins, III, folding paper sculpture and cut-outs from Gerhard Schlanzky,  talking toilets from Opal Nations, letterpress printing of Apollinaire's  calligrammes, Steven Cole's “Queen Mother of the Gross National Product”,  photography by Barry Brooks, Marilyn Zimmerman, & Martha Haslanger, Eric Keller's comic strip “Raoul”, Collage pieces from Helmut Light a.k.a. James Atkinson, Cover: computer-generated image by Dr. Frederick Parke. Gumback label of optical illusion for extra measure. A multi-directional, graphic arts gumbo gathered and packaged in a clear ziplock bag. Original price: $2 For more information:


lightworks, the ziplock bag issue
lightworks, the ziplock bag issue

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