Dungeon Master (1991) Japanese Package and Manual
- Comix Brand Designer
- Packaging 343
Type of Work
- Finished work 5532
- paper 1567
Locations Made
- Japan 330
Dungeon Master was released on the Atari ST in 1987 in North America and would not come to Japan until 1990. Dungeon Master is a role-playing game that incorporated real-time combat elements.
The cover of the manual imitates the cover of the packaging. The text is mostly sans-serif and capitalized where applicable. Super Famicon and Victor Musical Industries both have their logos on each. The English title is written in a flashy golden calligraphy-style font, paired with a handwritten red font below it. The Japanese title is written in a thick white handwritten font that imitates the style of the “master” text. The image has a bold focal point and is very energetic.
Comix Brand is credited with the manual and package design. While different illustrations for the covers of this game are credited to David R. Darrow, the illustrator for this cover is unlisted.