Package of the “Sharp-eyed jump frog” wind-up toy
- Unknown 104 Designer
- Packaging 343
Type of Work
- Finished work 5532
- cut paper 16
Locations Made
- China 55
- Shanghai Shi 13
- Shanghai 13
The 活眼跳蛙 “Sharp-eyed jump frog” is a wind-up tin toy which was popular among children in China in the 1970s and 80s.
The package is produced in CMYK-print on recycling cardboard, with the green color produced by a yellow-blue overprint which is slightly out of registration.
The package’s lid and bottom have an illustration of the toy with the product name written in simplified Chinese characters above in a calligraphic style and the serial number of the product below. On the package’s sides, there is a green banderole with yellow letters, stating the product name in Chinese and Roman characters. Below, divided by a blank line, there is a red banderole with a pattern of pentagrams in black color and the simplified characters for “China, Shanghai” in a sans-serif style, certainly referring to the place of production.