Cover of « វិធីប្រើ វណ្ណយុត្តិ នឹង ខណ្ឌសញ្ញា · Accents et signes de ponctuation »


This is the cover of a standard book of Khmer punctuation signs. It includes as a decoration most of the signs which are listed in the book. It is printed in three colors on uncoated paper.

The book was published by Nuon But who was a Khmer intellectual from the Sangkum Reastr Niyum period in Cambodia (after the independence from France). He worked with Chuon Nath on creating the first comprehensive dictionary of the Khmer language.

In the 1950s he opened his own bookshop in Phnom Penh in which he published different books on Khmer culture and language. He died in captivity during the Khmer Rouge period.

Cover of « វិធីប្រើ វណ្ណយុត្តិ នឹង ខណ្ឌសញ្ញា · Accents et signes de ponctuation »
Cover of « វិធីប្រើ វណ្ណយុត្តិ នឹង ខណ្ឌសញ្ញា · Accents et signes de ponctuation »

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