New York Central System


The New York Central Line commissioned a different image every year to adorn their calendars. Here, Ragan depicts the La Salle Street station in Chicago and the impressive fleet of engines run by the railroad, including the iconic 20th Century Limited. "The forward vision of the New York Central is captured in this valiant 1945 rendering by Leslie Ragan. The hallmark trains of the 'Great Steel Fleet' are depicted . . . Both steam and diesel are featured in a robust depiction of a triumphant America surging into post World War II modernism" (New York Central System frontis). This image often appears with the calendar cut off. Ragan’s art inspired a lot of designs today, mainly ones including a train or other forms of transportation. The main work that is often associated with Ragan’s work, is the poster for the film “The Polar Express”, which was heavily inspired by Ragan’s aesthetic.


New York Central System
Source: Swan Galleries

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