Hijas de Cuauhtémoc Chicano Newspapers
- Newspaper 1230
Type of Work
- Finished work 5503
Locations Made
- United States 782
Hijas de Cuauhtémoc Chicano Newspapers
California State University, Long Beach, California
March 1971
In the 1960s, a radicalized Mexican-American movement began pushing for a new identification. The Chicano Movement, aka El Movimiento, advocated social and political empowerment through a chicanismo or cultural nationalism. Independently published newspapers were critical in the formation and documentation of the movement.
![Hijas de Cuauhtémoc Chicano Newspapers](https://thumbs.peoplesgdarchive.org/static/media-items/image/19568/upto-1440x2000/635d8b43/1/IMG_5761%20copy.png)