Dream of The Red Chamber (Dragon Scale Binding)


It is an ancient book-binding technique for scrolls that has origins in the early 900s in China (late Tang Dynasty era).  

The technique focuses on using the outside folds of pages for illustrations related to the contents of the scroll. This technique was a step between scrolls and threaded binding. The pages were stacked, with the shortest page on top and the longest page at the bottom. The texture and visual of the pages also felt like dragon scales hence where the name comes from. 

There aren't many surviving examples of this art so an artist in Bejing named Zhang Xiaodong researched it in order to revive it. He made a new book using this technique,  it took them four years due to the intricate nature of the technique. It was exhibited at the recent Art Central fair in Hong Kong.

Dream of The Red Chamber (Dragon Scale Binding) 1
Source: www.cnn.com
Dream of The Red Chamber (Dragon Scale Binding) 2
Source: www.cnn.com
Dream of The Red Chamber (Dragon Scale Binding) 3
Source: www.cnn.com

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