The iPod Silhouettes ad
- TBWA/Chiat/Day Designer
- Advertising 540
Type of Work
- Finished work 5523
48 × 72 in
Locations Made
Released by Apple Computer, Inc., in November 2001, the iPod rapidly grew in sales and by 2005 had become the world’s top-selling MP3 player. With a 1,000-song capacity, the first iPod worked only with Apple computers and retailed at $400. From 2003 to 2005, however, Apple ferociously promoted five new Windows-compatible iPod models, along with the company’s digital music store, iTunes. In an attempt to define the fun associated with the iPod brand and to steer advertising away from the Apple computer, the company released its ‘‘Silhouette’’ campaign.

A design and marketing series aimed at promoting the new iPod and it's capacity to store and play songs. The message behind the campaign for the iPod poster's design was to allow anyone to be a listener and curator of their own music library.