Buckley Laundry Company letterhead


In its May 1927 issue, The Inland Printer featured a selection of letterheads by The Folks Creative Printers, Inc. (AKA The Folks on Gospel Hill) of Marion, Ohio. There is some great 1920s lettering in these and I love the green and red-orange the magazine chose for the reprints.

An article in The Marion Star newspaper says that “three artists are employed to draw designs”. Let’s find ’em!

One artist could be Harry Parschall, who started illustrating at the company (previously named for founder Jay H. Maish) in 1923.

The Inland Printer, May 1927 (detail)
Source: www.flickr.com
The Inland Printer, May 1927 (detail)
The Inland Printer, May 1927
Source: www.flickr.com
The Inland Printer, May 1927

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