1972 holiday card

“The studio was busy with client work, and were about to embark on a decade of work which will visually come to define the 1970s,” Tochilovsky writes. “What better way to mark the start of this journey than with a typographic bang – a holiday card announcing the year 1972.” // Lettered by Tom Carnese in a Spencerian style, the numerical ambigram made use of the visual similarities between the ‘7’ and the ‘2’ and claimed that while, yes, ‘69 was good – ‘72 is better’.// Interestingly, the ‘72’ design also had a second outing at the close of the year (1972 was nothing if not busy) and was reused in a season’s greetings card issued by the newly-formed Lubalin, Burns & Co., the business that Lubalin established with partners Aaron Burns and Bob Farber and that would go on to become ITC.
1972 holiday card