Libro integrado (segundo grado) libro de texto
Graphic Design: Olivia Rojo Becerra, Carmina García de León y Mier
Illustration: María Murrieta Salazar, Carmen Arvizu Berdejo, Luis Manuel Serrano
Cover Design: Comisión Nacional de los Libros de Texto, Luis Almeida
Cover art:
"Feria de San Juan", Ezequiel Negrete Lira, oil on canvas
Museo Nacional De Arte (MUNAL), CDMX, Mexico, authorized by National Institute of Fine Arts (Instituto Nacional De Las Bellas Artes)
Photography: Javier Manríque\
Author: Luz Maria Chapela Mendoza
Collaborators: Isauro Uribe Pineda, Alberto Padilla Rocha, Aureliano García Arreguín
Print-run of 3'497,956
"Libro Integrado, Segundo año" Integrated book, Second-grade; Mexican textbook designed for second grade of primary school for the 1993 generation. This book is part of The Historical Catalog of Mexican Textbooks produced from 1960 to 2017. These artifacts are part of the basic education system that formed Mexican generations.
The character of this book design shows the idyll aesthetic characterized by the syncretism of Mexican society produced around 1950.
The oil painting by Ezequiel Negrete Lira is an excellent example of the canonic nationalist style. His paint portraits remarkable religious celebrations that still take place in every downtown of Mexico. The inside spreads show some of the pedagogical practices that formed the 90's generation.
This issue included a supplement book design for cut-outs, a precursor of what I imagine as a pop-out format.