Bitch magazine, #1

Premiere Issue Feminist Response to Pop Culture Insides were designed by Benjamin Shaykin ADVERTISING: THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE SHOOT-YOUR-TELEVISION; SPECIAL SECTION: SASSY SUCKS; KIDS: ALL TALK, OUR REACTION. PLUS: MUSIC REVIEWS, BOOKS REVIEWS AND JOHN TRAVOLTA IN EVERY ISSUE Editor's Note—Our original mission statement Love It/Shove It—A roundup of the best and the worst of the mediated culture Bitch Reads/Suggested Listening—Book and music reviews The Cute Boy—An ode to John Travolta FEATURES Sassy: Then and Now—How the most original voice in teen girl mags got stifled by a big bad corporation Kids and Sex—The mixed messages of Larry Clark's film Amazon Women in the Moon—A look back at the early days of MTV Magazines We Hate—Esquire's Women We Love issue is, predictably, a gagfest “Subversion on a Massive Level”—Gender as constructed spectacle in the little-seen film Sleep with Me
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