Afrika Bambaataa Vinyl Collection

1684 "This digital collection contains images of selected 12” vinyl records from Afrika Bambaataa’s music collection--records that he numbered, signed with his name, and often annotated as he acquired them from the late 1960s into the early 1980s. The collection shows nearly 1,400 of the earliest 12” records Bambaataa owned, representing a small subset of his famed record collection. Starting around 1980, Bambaataa abandoned the practice of numbering his vinyl. According to Bambaataa, he stopped numbering his records when his collection became too large to track with numbers. Bambaataa’s early vinyl record collection offers essential information on Hip Hop culture’s many visual and sonic influences. You will see an eclectic mix of soul, funk, rock, R&B, disco, and African and Latin music--genres that formed the basis of Hip Hop’s musical identity before recorded "rap music" was popularized by the entertainment industry beginning in 1979. You will also find a diverse tapestry of album art documenting the many looks, attitudes and ideas that artists contributed to the era."

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