"Poster for an exhibition at the Woods-Gerry Mansion." —https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdposters/203/ "That RISD show travelled across the country to other schools as well. There was a multi page feature with all the designers’ bios and work samples in IDEA magazine in Japan in 1971. 50 designers were included in that show."—Alexander Tochilovsky. Listed in the show: Dorothy Akubuiro Josephine Jones Roosevelt Allinson Roy La Grone Romarie Beardon Vincent Lewis Charles Boyd Alexander Mapp Cecil E. Brath Andrea Marquez Ronnie Brathwaite Bill Mason Oraston Brooks-El Don Miller Wally Caldwell John Morning T. Collins George Olden Donald Crews Alex Oliver Leo & Dianne Dillon Carl Overr Seldon Dix Jr. Gordon Parks Phil Draggan Jerry Pinkney Loring P. Eulemey George Pruden Tom Feelings Sam Reed George Ford. Jr. Reynolds Ruffins Vernon Grant Mahler Ryder Robert A Gumbs Armand Sadik Donald Harper Ted Shearer Dorothy E. Hayes John Steptoe Joyce Hopkins Otis Sullivan Bill Howell Mozelle Thompson Laroy O. Inman Alex Walker Louise Jefferson Bernadine Watson Verona Witcher
Black Artist in Graphic Communication

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