Survey Graphic, March 1925 (Volume 53, Issue 11); “Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro”
- Winold Reiss 3 Cover Designer
- Magazine 727
Type of Work
- Finished work 5560
"This is an issue of one of the Survey family of periodicals. The Survey was titled the Charities Review, Charities and the Commons in earlier stages. From 1912 the Survey was published weekly, but because weekly publication was prohibitively expensive and because of a constant clash between readers seeking technical material and readers seeking an overall view of philanthropic fields, the Survey split into two publications: the Survey Midmonthly and The Survey Graphic.The Survey Midmonthly was formally founded in June, 1922, as a digest of social work. The Survey Graphic was a magazine of ""social interpretation"" directed at people who were concerned with social and economic problems. It focused on areas of industrial relations, health, education, international relations, housing, race relations, consumer education, and related fields. This is a special issue on Harlem, titled ""Harlem, Mecca of the New Negro"" with contributions from Alain Locke, James Weldon Johnson, W.E.B. Du Bois, Countee Cullen, Anne Spencer, Angelina Grimke, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Langston Hughes, Arthur Schomburg, Melville Herskovits, Walter F. White, Elise Johnson McDougald, and many others."[collection_name_s][]=Survey Associates Records&q=survey graphic&query=&sidebar_page=1&sort=&utf8=✓