“You Can’t Jail the Revolution. Stop the Trial, Free the Conspiracy 8.“

"The text refers to the trial of SDS and Black Panther protesters at the August 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. The image references the Black Power salute of gold medalist Tommie Smith at the October 1968 Olympics. Similar to a slightly smaller two-color poster sold in Swann's 7 May 2020 sale, lot 173, which lacked the contact text at bottom and referred to the "Chicago 8" rather than the 'Conspiracy 8,' and featured a slightly different rendering of the same source image. The 28 East Jackson St. address given here was used by the 'Conspiracy' legal defense fund in 1969 publications. 2 in OCLC."—https://catalogue.swanngalleries.com/Lots/auction-lot/-BLACK-PANTHERS--You-Cant-Jail-the-Revolution-Stop-the-Trial?saleno=2562&lotNo=97&refNo=773619
“You Can’t Jail the Revolution. Stop the Trial, Free the Conspiracy 8.“

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