Bitch magazine, #5, The Fashion Issue

Issue #5 Feminist Response to Pop Culture Inside designed by Benjamin Shaykin IN EVERY ISSUE Editor's Note—Given the ubiquity of fashion- and beauty-related images and messages in our lives, how can we sort the social imperatives from our individual opinions? Dear Bitch Love It/Shove It Bitch Reads/Suggested Listenings The Cute Boy-An ode to Benicio del Toro FEATURES The Skinny on Mode-How does the new plus-size fashion rag stack up? Bad Girl Rising—A look at feminist vigilantes on film Face Matters-Can makeup ever be liberated? Cybill Disobedience—Cybill Shepherd is one subversive babe You Don't Know Jane—Rating girls' software games Baby Tease—On smut in fashion and the fashion of smut
Bitch magazine, #5, The Fashion Issue

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