REPOhistory Marker for Marsha P Johnson
"Queer Spaces: Places of Struggle, Places of Strength" was a radical mapping project created by the artist collective known as REPOhistory, who sought to illuminate the 'untold stories of those whose history has been marginalized because of their class, race, gender, or sexuality.' Taking the form of temporary markers in the shape of pink trinagles, REPOhistory identified nine sites around Lower Manhattan with particular significance to the histories of LGBTQ people."
This sign is "dedicated to self-identified drag queen and Street Transvestite Revolutionary Marsha 'Pay It No Mind' Johnson" and describes the "dire situation faced by many trans people throughout the twentieth and well into the twenty-first century. In effect. Johnson's marker serves as a memorial to her life and death, which was first ruled a suicide by New York City police, but was then reclassified thanks to the agitation by LGBTQ activists." (Queer x Design)