Offramp No. 5 & 6

"Offramp is the academic journal published by SCI-Arc in Los Angeles. Between 1987 and 2000, SCI-Arc produced seven editions of Offramp, before the title was retired for a number of years. In July 2014, the school reintroduced the journal as part of the Design of Theory Fellowship, and published Offramp 8, 9, 10 and 11. Since September 2016, the online journal is edited by members of the Design Theory and Pedagogy program." –
Offramp No. 5 & 6 1
Offramp No. 5 & 6 2
Offramp No. 5 & 6 3
Offramp No. 5 & 6 4
Offramp No. 5 & 6 5
Offramp No. 5 & 6 6

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