Holland Festival Poster 1980-1984

"With its richly decorated, shimmering logo in many variations Benno Wissing determined the face of the Holland Festival on posters, leaflets and stationery from 1979-1985."

Poster Holland Festival '84, Benno Wissing, 1984

Poster Holland Festival '83, Benno Wissing, Ben Duijvelshoff, 1983

Poster Holland Festival '82, Benno Wissing, 1982

Poster Holland Festival '81, Benno Wissing, 1981

Poster Holland Festival '80, Benno Wissing, 1980

Holland Festival Poster 1980-1984 1
Holland Festival Poster 1980-1984 2
Holland Festival Poster 1980-1984 3
Holland Festival Poster 1980-1984 4
Holland Festival Poster 1980-1984 5

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