Color Sells Your Package
- Jean-Paul Favre Author
- Walter Bangerter Designer
- Book 861
Type of Work
- Finished work 5557
- paper 1669
- printing 645
Printed Pages
Locations Made
La couleur vend votre emballage (Color Sells Your Pacakge) is a book authored by Dr. Jean-Paule Favre and designed by Walter Bangerter in 1969. The book’s purpose was to answer the question of choosing the appropriate color for packaging in detail. Dr. Favre was known to focus his studies on color psychology, writing articles on colors applied to marketing and writing his thesis about it. Favre wrote about the significance of colors and the psychology of associations with what is expected out of a product (e.g., flavor). Alongside the data, Walter Bangerter used alternate side-by-side designs for different brands and products with different typefaces and colors to contrast differences. The book was distributed in two covers, with the first using a multi-color design and bold sizes, while the second evidently using a minimalist approach with only black and yellow capturing the essence of the book.
Color Sells Your Package was printed and published by ABC Verlag in Switzerland.