WHY DESIGN? Dialogue in Design, Kenya Hara & Masayo Ave
- WangZhihong Designer
- Kenya Hara 10 Author
- Masayo Ave Author
- Cai Xinyun Translator
Wang Zhihong designed the cover of the book in a minimalist style, echoing the core idea of the book - that design is not only decorative or functional expression, but also a means of communication. The cover uses a large amount of white space, in line with the aesthetic advocated by Japanese designer Kenya Hara. The headings are arranged in capital letters and the font is concise and powerful, directly proposing a reflection on the nature of the design, while the sub-headings are presented in a smaller font, giving the information a clear hierarchy.
The cover uses abstract patterns to show the conceptual connection between Tokyo and Berlin - Tokyo is known for its delicate, rational, and delicate style, while Berlin emphasizes experimentation, freedom, and structure. The design uses geometric form, point-line relationship and visual contrast to symbolize the collision and integration of design thinking between the two cities and reflect the design communication under the cross-cultural background. This visual presentation not only reinforces the book theme, but also makes the cover itself a symbol of the design conversation.