Starbucks Logo(2011 - Present)


The Starbucks logo has changed several times since the company started in 1971. The original logo featured a detailed brown illustration of Siren,  reflecting the brand’s connection to seafaring and coffee trade. Over the years, Starbucks has simplified the logo, making it cleaner and easier to recognize.

In 2011, the company made its biggest change by removing the words "Starbucks Coffee" and keeping only the green Siren. This followed a common trend where famous brands, like Nike and Apple, removed text from their logos to create stronger, more universal symbols. Starbucks wanted its logo to be instantly recognizable worldwide, no matter what language people spoke. The new design made the Siren look friendlier. The signature green color remained, symbolizing freshness, nature, and sustainability, which are key parts of Starbucks’ brand identity.


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