New Generation and the Jay Walkers with The Charlatans Poster


This concert poster was created in the psychedelic style. The distributional and less formal quality of posters like these creates a sort of opportunity for accessible design.

In the 1960s, psychedelic posters were a large part of counterculture. This type of design greatly contrasted with modernism in corporate contexts, which was often simplistic and structured to reflect polished business activity. Pyschedelic design, on the other hand, had vivid colors and warping formats that injected a lot of personality into its visuals. While modernism in corporate contexts aligned more closely to the middle and upper classes, the psychedelic style largely appealed to members of the working class and youth audiences, rejecting materialism and embracing simpler lifestyles.

Psychedelic Poster for Music Concert
Psychedelic Poster for Music Concert

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